Sinew Metamorphosis is what I’d call advanced Qigong/Chi Kung and is best learned directly from a qigong teacher who is skilled in these qigong exercises.
I remember when I was first introduced to these 12 qigong exercises I simply could not believe in them. In fact the first course I took with my teacher in this art was not very successful for me.
I simply didn’t get it. Whilst others in the group were reporting incredible experiences I was experiencing nothing. With the benefit of hind sight I know now that I was thinking about the whole deal far too much and was completely unable to relax enough to benefit from the teaching.
The second time I took a sinew metamorphosis cause with my teacher I got it. I was amazed how simply ‘flicking’ my fingers 3 times could generate such a powerful energy flow.

It was explained to me later that where as most qigong exercises focus on 1 or 2 of the primary meridians, a sinew metamorphosis exercise like flicking fingers focused on all 12!
My favourite exercise from Sinew Metamorphosis as I was taught it is ‘Lifting heels’ or ‘Lifting Body’ I feel like every part of my body from head to toes is being invigorated, I can feel energy rushing through my body – I love it.
The set of qigong exercises that form the Sinew Metamorphosis set are attributed to the Venerable Bodhidharma. Finding the monks at the Shaolin Monastery too weak for long hours of meditation he taught them two famous sets of qigong exercises – the Shaolin 18 Lohan Hands and Sinew Metamorphosis.
The 18 Lohan Hands later developed into the 18 Lohan Fist – a famous Shaolin Kung Fu set.
The focus of Sinew Metamorphosis exercises is strengthening and and it’s principals form the foundation of many types of qigong used for internal force training in kung fu.
But there is a very important conclusion we can draw from the fact that the Venerable Bodhidharma taught the 18 Lohan hands and Sinew Metamorphosis to the monks of the Shaolin Monastery, and it is this.
They were not taught to be used for fighting, for developing internal force or for overcoming illness. They were taught to aid the monks in their meditation so that they could more easily gain enlightenment.
It never ceases to amaze me when I remember that fact. Today, Shaolin Kung Fu, Shaolin Chi Kung and Chan/Zen are often taught as separate disciplines, and students of each gain brilliant benefits – because the hallmark of genuine Shaolin arts is that they are simple, direct and effective. But when you practice all 3 the results are simply marvelous.
Bye for now
Marcus James Santer