The Truth About Qigong Deviation Syndrome

Here’s something to ponder…

If your time is valuable (and it is), but you give it up for free, what’s it worth now?

That’s why I don’t usually reply to non-client emails. These days I simply don’t have the time to give away.

But this one caught my attention (name changed for privacy reasons):

Have you ever come across ‘Qigong Deviation Syndrome’ in your students? Is it a real concern? Why is your program safe (if it is)?

I have no way of talking to someone face-to-face at this time (I’m outback Australia) and if your experiences aren’t just made up for the Internet, then you may be able to help me.



When I read:

…and if your experiences aren’t just made up for the Internet…

I thought ‘Cheeky Monkey‘ and moved the mouse cursor over to the ‘delete’ button. But then I had a second thought.

“Josh, you’re right to be skeptical.”

There is far too much hocus-pocus nonsense written about Qigong.

Of course I’ve heard of QDS or ‘Zou huo ru mo‘, it’s a grand term for people not following instructions properly.

Qigong (any style) is simple, direct and effective.

But (and it’s a huge but) – only if a practitioner is able to follow instructions to the best of their ability.

Don’t laugh; in my experience few can resist adding a bit of Yoga here, a bit of Tai Chi there and a bit of something else they might have come across.

Best-case scenario?

Nothing happens.


You do yourself more harm than good.

So, if you’re someone who can follow instructions your chances of QDS are slim to none.

However, having said that there are some types of Qigong that are very powerful and very easy to do wrong. Especially when learned from a book or DVD. No matter how closely you follow the instructions.

In my opinion practices such as:

  • Zhan Zhuang
  • Small Universe
  • Big Universe
  • etc

Should only ever be learned directly from a suitably experienced Qigong teacher.

Sure, you can learn these Qigong methods from books and DVD’s, I’ve seen them too. But I’d certainly never consider teaching them that way.

What I teach is safe.


Because even is a practitioner makes a few ‘genuine’ mistakes (which is natural when learning anything new) there are enough inbuilt safety mechanisms to make sure you avoid causing yourself harm.


Can you guess what I’m going to say?

Of course you can.

But only if you can follow instructions.

If you’re one of those rare individuals who can and there isn’t a good Qigong teacher near you, then my 22-week Qigong Secrets Home Study Course was made just for you.

14 day ‘test drive‘ available for just $4.95 here:

Enjoy your practice

Kindest regards
