Got something short and sweet for you today.
I consider the two words I’m about to share with you, the most important words in Qigong.
If you’ve been part of the Qigong15 tribe for a while you’ll be very familiar with them.
And if not, all is about to be revealed.
Here they are:
- Relaxed
- Gentle
Impressive huh?
What, you don’t agree?
Okay, let me explain.
- Your movements are relaxed and gentle.
- Your breathing is relaxed and gentle.
- Your mind is relaxed and any thoughts are gentle.
There’s a simple little exercise I’d love to share with you, one that would really make this concept come alive for you in a way you’ll never forget.
But I’m sorry to say I’m in London right now and I simply don’t have the time to spare.
However, if you’ve already got a copy of my book: Shaolin Chi Kung – 18 Exercises to Help You Live a Longer, Healthier and Happier Life. You’ll find the exercise in Section 5: Practical Advice on page 130.
In the same section you’ll also discover:
- Trouble shooting tips for some of the most common problems Qigong Players experience with their practice.
- How to live for 120 years.
- How to deal with disturbances during your practice.
- How to really speed up your healing process.
- The Top 10 Qigong Do’s and Don’ts
And there’s even a little bit about Qigong and sex.
Heck, the other 140 pages are packed full of Qigong goodness too.
Full details and immediate download available here:
Have a great day.